NI Based test system development & Service Support,
We are Expert in LabVIEW and Teststand Programming for Developing the Test systems to Test the products in a Factory End of Line, We have instegrated more than 100 system in our experience and deployed to various industries like, Automotive, Aerospace, Industrial Applications We have the hands on experience on NI-PXI, NI-cRIO with RT & FPGA, NI DAQ Modules, and Third party instruments like keithly, keysight, Programmable Power supplies.
Warehouse Automation with Robots and AGVs
We are expertise in deploying the Robots for warehouse handling/factory automationa and we can offer the turnkey service, We can help you to resolve the matrial handling issues with robots and your task will be faster and accurate.
Reverse Engineering Support
We provide the reverse engineering support to upgrade/duplicate the systems and we provide the Annual maintainance to keep the systems upgraded and prone to brakedown.
Scope of work
Cryogenic instruments control, Testing and calibrations, Automobile Industry, Aerospace Industry, Educational Applications, Sensor, Industrial Application Development etc
Protocol related support
We are Experiencein handling the protocols like TCPIP,CAN,USB,Modbus,MQTT for Industrial Automation, Auomotive and Instrument control Applications.
Turnkey Projects(wirehouse Robotic, Welding, ROV )
We are the expert in configuring and commissioning of the INdustrial robots like KUKA, DOOSJAN.
About Us
short description

We are and US Based company located at South Florida, We Established in the year 2021, and we have cumulative engineering experience over 30 years and we had pretty good experience in developing Test systems, Design and development of New Products for test and measurement, and we have hands-on expertise with handling the instruments and interfacing for test automation, We also provide the Service Support for the existing systems and support to get the things upgraded, We provide the Hybrid and on-call support to is the premises and provide the support.
Call To Action
Difficult thing we do immedtely and impossible takes little longer.